

This chapter examines a set of distributions commonly applied to financial data and used by risk managers.

Two types of Common Univariate Random Variable Distributions

“Univariate” 是一个统计学术语,指的是只涉及单个变量的情况。一个 univariate 随机变量是指只涉及单个变量的随机变量,而不考虑其他变量的影响。

  • Discrete parametric distributions【离散参数分布】(PMF, E[.] and V[.])

    • Bernoulli

    • Binomial

    • Poisson

  • Continuous parametric distributions(CDF, E[.] and V[.])

    • Continuous uniform distribution【均匀分布】

    • Normal distribution【正态分布】

    • Lognormal distribution【对数正态分布】

    • Student’s t-distribution【t分布】

    • Chi-square distribution【卡方分布】

    • F-distribution.【F分布】

Discrete random variables【重点】

Bernoulli Distribution

Bernoulli Distribution: It is a discrete distribution for random variables that produces one of two values: 0 or 1 .


  • It applies to any problem with a binary outcome.
  • PMF
    f(X=1)=p \quad f(X=0)=1-p
  • Expectation and variance
Expectation Variance
Bernoulli random variable p p(1-p)

MF Graph and CDF Graph for Bernoulli Distribution

The left panel shows the probability mass functions of two Bernoulli random variables, one with p = 0.5 and the other with p = 0.9. The right panel shows the cumulative distribution functions for the same two variables.


Binomial Distribution【二项分布/必考】

Binomial Distribution: The probability of $x$ successes in $n$ trails


  • A binomial random variable measures the total number of successes from $n$ independent Bernoulli random variables
  • $PMF$
    f_X(x)=C_n^x p^x(1-p)^{n-x}=\frac{n !}{x !(n-x) !} p^x(1-p)^{n-x}
  • Expectation and variance
Expectation Variance
Binomial random variable np np(1-p)

PMF Graph and CDF Graph for Bernoulli Distribution

The left panel shows the PMF of two binomial distributions.

The solid line is the PDF of a normal random variable, N(np, np(1- p))= N(10, 6), that approximates the PMF of the B(25, 0.4). The right panel shows the CDFs of the two binomials.


Poisson Distribution





Poisson Distribution: used to measure counts of events over fixed time spans. Such as the number of hurricanes in a century, or the number of phone calls in a day.

  • PMF

f_X(X=k)=\frac{(\lambda)^k}{k !} e^{-\lambda}
$\lambda$ indicates average number of the occurrence per interval, also called hazard rate

If $X_1 \sim Poisson(\lambda_1)$, and $X_2 \sim$ Poisson $(\lambda_2)$ are independent, and $Y=$ $X_1+X_2$, then $Y \sim$ Poisson $(\lambda_1+\lambda_2)$.

  • Expectation and variance
Expectation Variance
Poisson random variable λ λ

PMF Graph and CDF Graph for Poisson Distribution

  • The left panel shows the PMF for two values of a, 3 and 15. The right panel shows the corresponding CDFs.


Continuous random variables

Uniform Distribution

Uniform Distribution: A uniform distribution assumes that any value within the range $[a, b]$ is equally likely to occur.

  • CDF


For all $x_1<x_2$, we have:

P(x_1 \leq X \leq x_2)=\frac{\min (x_2, b)-\max (x_1, a)}{b-a}

  • Expectation and variance
Expectation Variance
Uniform random variable (a +b)/2 $(b-a)^2 /12$

PDF Graph and CDF Graph for Uniform Distribution

The left panel shows the probability density functions of a standard uniform(i.e., U(0, 1)) and a uniform between 1/2 and 3. The right panel shows the cumulative distribution functions corresponding to these two random variables.



Normal (Gaussian, bell shaped) Distribution: the most commonly used distribution in risk management.

  • PDF(bell shaped)
    f(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi} \sigma} \cdot e^{\frac{1}{2 \sigma^2}(x-\mu)^2}
  • CDF: There is no closed form of normal distribution, fast numerical approximations are widely applied in practice.
  • Expectation and variance
Expectation Variance
Normal random variable μ $σ^2$

PDF Graph for Normal Distribution

● Symmetrical distribution: skewness = 0; kurtosis = 3.

● The tails get thin and go to zero but extend infinitely.


Normal distribution in practice

Sums of independent normally distributed random variables are also normally distributed.

② Standardization and Z-table Application

③ Key quantiles in normal distribution

④ Approximating discrete random variables to normal random variable

(1) Sums of independent normally distributed random variables are also normally distributed

  • If $X \sim N(\mu_1, \sigma_1^2), {Y} \sim N(\mu_2, \sigma_2^2)$ and they are independent, then

\mathrm{aX}+\mathrm{bY} \sim N\left(a \mu_1+b \mu_2, a^2 \sigma_1^2+b^2 \sigma_2^2\right)

  • When applied to portfolio, $a$ and $b$ are usually asset weights

Example:A 50£ million prudent fund (PF) is merged with a 200£ million aggressive fund (AF). The return of ${PF} \sim {N}(0.03,0.07^2)$ and the return of $A F \sim N(0.07,0.15^2)$. Assuming the returns are independent, what is the distribution of the portfolio return?

Correct Answer: $R_p \sim N(0.062,0.1208^2)$

(2) Standardization and Z-table Application

  • Standardization: if $X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$, then
    Z=\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma} \sim N(0,1)
  • Check Z-table to find CDF


  • If $X \sim N(70,9)$, compute the probability of $\mathrm{X} \leq 64.12$.
  • Solution:

Z=(X-\mu) / \sigma=(64.12-70) / 3=-1.96

P(Z \leq-1.96)=0.0250

P(X \leq 64.12)=0.0250

(3) Key quantiles in normal distribution

  • Approximately 68% of all observations fall in the interval $\mu \pm \sigma$
  • Approximately 90% of all observations fall in the interval $\mu \pm 1.65 \sigma$
  • Approximately 95% of all observations fall in the interval $\mu \pm 1.96 \sigma$
  • Approximately 99% of all observations fall in the interval $\mu \pm 2.58 \sigma$


(4) Approximating discrete random variables to normal random variable

  • A binomial random variable can approximate to a normal random variable, $N(n p, n p(1-p)$ if both

& n p \geq 10 \
& n(1-p) \geq 10 .


The Poisson random variable can approximate to a normal random variable, N(λ,λ) if

  • λ is large, commonly applied when λ≥1000.

Lognormal Distribution

Lognormal Distribution: A variable $Y$ is said to be log-normally distributed if the natural logarithm of $Y$ is normally distributed.

  • An important property of the log-normal distribution is that it can never be negative. E.g.
    The Black-Scholes Model assumes that the price of the underlying asset is lognormally distributed.
  • If InX is normal, then $X$ is lognormal; if a variable is lognormal, its natural log is normal, that is, $Y=\exp (X)$, where $X \sim N({\mu, \sigma^2})$ :
  • PDF:

f_Y(y)=\frac{1}{y \sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} \exp \left(-\frac{(\ln y-\mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2}\right)

Expectation and variance

Expectation Variance
lognormal random variable $e^{(μ+{\sigma}^2/2)}$ $(e^{\sigma^2}-1) {e}^{2 \mu+\sigma^2}$

DF Graph and CDF Graph for lognormal Distribution

● The left panel shows the PDFs of three log-normal random variables, two of which have μ = 8%,and two witho = 20%which are typical of annual equity returns. The right panel shows the corresponding CDFs.



Chi-Square $\left(\chi^2\right)$ Distribution

  • Developed for testing hypotheses of positive parameters
  • If we have $k$ independent standard normal variables, $Z_1, Z_2, \ldots, Z_{k \prime}$ then the sum of their squares has a chi-squared distribution.
    \sum Z_i^2=Z_1^2+Z_2^2+\cdots+Z_k^2 \sim \chi_{(k)}^2
  • Expectation and variance
Expectation Variance
Chi-Square random variable k 2k

PDF Graph and CDF Graph for Chi-Square Distribution

● The left panel shows the PDFs of x2 distributed random variables with k=1,3 or 5 The right panel shows the corresponding CDFs.


t Distribution

t Distribution (Student’s t distribution): The Student’s t distribution is closely related to the normal, but it has heavier tails.

● Developed for testing hypotheses using small samples.

● If Z is a standard normal variable and U is a chi-square variable with k degrees of freedom, then the random variable X follows a t-distribution with k degrees of freedom.


  • Expectation,Variance(>=1),Kurtosis(>=3)
Expectation Variance Kurtosis
Student’s t random variable 0 $\frac{k}{k-2}$ $\frac{3(k-2)}{k-4}$

PDF Graph and CDF Graph for Student’s t Distribution

The left panel shows the PDF of a generalized Student’s t with four degrees of freedom and the PDF of a standard normal. The right panel shows the corresponding CDFs.



  • Developed for testing hypotheses

  • If $U_1$,and $U_2$ are two independent Chi-Squared distributions with $k_1$and $k_2$ degrees of freedom, respectively, then X:


follows an F-distribution with parameters $k_1$ and $k_2$.

  • Expectation and variance*


PDF Graph and CDF Graph for F Distribution

  • The left panel shows the PDF of three F-distributed random variables. The right panel shows the corresponding CDFs.


Mixture distribution

The distribution that results from a weighted average distribution of density functions is known as a mixture distribution. More generally, we can create a distribution:


PDF, PMF, CDF and non-central moment can be drawn with weighed average function.

Aplication of mixture distribution

● This class of distributions allows multiple simple distributions to be combined to produce distributions with empirically important features (e.g., skewness and heavy tails)

●E.g. Two normal random variable N(0.1) and N(-1,4) with mixing weights of 0.5 and 0.5, respectively, can create a skewed distribution.
