Interest Rate Risk

1980s Savings and Loan Crisis【存贷危机】 in the US

银行业借短投长,借新还旧【吸取新存款,偿还旧存款】。借新还旧存在 rollover risk。






Rising inflation led to a restrictive monetary policy.

The increase in short-term rates pushed up funding costs for S&Ls.


  • A long-running crisis in the United States was sparked.

  • The industry lost more money through poorly controlled credit and business risks.

  • The world’s most expensive banking system bailouts: USD 160 billion.


  • Firms should manage their balance sheet to ensure that effect of interest rate movement on assets remains correlated with the effect on liabilities.


  • The use of classical duration matching tools and more sophisticated methods (e.g., caps, floors, and swaps).

Funding Liquidity Risk


Liquidity Crisis at Lehman Brothers【雷曼兄弟】






大而不倒:雷曼兄弟的陨落 - 七绝的文章 - 知乎

  • The institution sold mortgages to residential customers and MBS to investors.

  • Lehman’s growth strategy was aggressive and it made outsized bets on real estate.

  • It borrowed short-term money to finance long-term investment.

  • After the collapse of Bear Stearns, investors lost confidence in Lehman, which led Lehman to lose its funding source, and to bankruptcy.

Liquidity Crisis at Continental Illinois







Aggressive growth strategy: commercial and industrial lending from USD 5 billion to over USD 14 billion.

Main funding source: federal funds and large issues of CDs.

The failure of Penn Square caused Continental【一家金矿公司】 to suffer heavy losses.

It was unable to fund its operations from the U.S. markets and borrowed at much higher rates in foreign money market.

Rumors led to run on the bank, and regulatory authorities stepped in.

Northern Rock【北岩银行】-Liquidity and Business Models


An excessive use of short-term financing for long-term assets and a sudden loss of market confidence triggered a funding liquidity crisis.

Northern Rock accepted emergency government support and then public ownership.


  • Liquidity stress testing programs are important.

  • Banks may also mitigate funding liquidity risk by reducing the maturity of their assets.

  • Firms need emergency liquidity cushions to ensure they can meet their commitments.

  • Asset/liability management (ALM) decisions need to be considered by trade-offs: trade-off between funding liquidity and interest rate risk, and trade-off between cost and risk mitigation.

  • All the components of an ALM policy are linked and must be part of a holistic and integrated approach to balance-sheet management.

Implementing Hedging Strategies【重要】

Metallgesellschaft 【德国金属公司】Case

 MGRM【retail and marketing】: long-term contracts to supply customers with gas and oil products at fixed costs and to hedge these contracts with short-term gas and oil futures, which is known as a rolling hedge.

 In 1993, a large decrease in gas and oil prices had resulted in funding needs of around $900 million.

 MG negotiated unwinds【解除】 of these contracts at unfavorable terms.


 When we use shorter-term hedges against longer-term contracts, the strategy can be successfully carried out only if proper risk controls are applied【如会计风险】.

 It’s important to select appropriate models to use for both pricing and hedging.

 Accounting issues and potential tax【and accounting policy】 implications need to be considered when devising a hedging strategy.

Model Risk

Niederhoffer Case


  • The strategy was writing large quantities of uncovered deep out-of-the-money put options on the S&P 500 Index and collected the option premiums. It failed when the stock market fell by over 7% in one day, which caused the fund’s equity to be wiped out by brokers.

  • Financial markets rarely offer a "free lunch“.

Long-Term Capital Management【长期资本管理公司】

LTCM’s Presumed Positions

  • Long U.S. interest rate swaps and short U.S. government bonds at a time when these spreads were at historically high levels.

  • Over the life of the trade, this position will make money as long as the average spread narrows.

  • LTCM sold equity options at historically high implied volatilities.

LTCM’s Funding Sources

  • Deal in over-the-counter markets as well as on futures exchanges.

  • LTCM always negotiated terms that avoided posting the initial margin.

The Crisis

  • The triggers: Russian debt default in 1998.

  • The LTCM fund’s equity began to decline, and it was reluctant to cut positions in a turbulent market.

  • As competitors learned more about the actual positions, their pressure on market prices in the direction unfavorable to LTCM intensified.

The Fall of LTCM

  • 1994: 20%, 1995: 43%, 1996: 41%, 1997: 17%

  • In August and September of 1998: a loss of capital more than 70%

  • 14 of the largest creditors contributed a fresh $3.65 billion in equity investment into the LTCM fund to allow for a substantial time period in which to close out positions.

  • By 2000, LTCM had been wound down.

Lessons of LTCM

  • LTCM failed to supplement VaR measures with a full set of stress test scenarios.

  • LTCM failed to account for the illiquidity of its largest positions.

The London Whale

The London Whale一个交易员的外号。

In 2012, the Chief Investment Office (CIO) of JP Morgan Chase placed a massive bet on a complex set of synthetic【合成的】 credit derivatives that lost at least USD 6.2 billion.

The CIO took a trading strategy that called for purchasing additional long credit derivatives, which ended up increasing the portfolio’s size, risk, and Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) and taking the portfolio into a net

long position.

As the CIO changed valuation methodology and mismarked its books,operation risk was included in the case.

Poor risk culture of corporate governance was a big problem.

VaR model was manipulated in favor of CIO.

Rogue Trading and Misleading Reporting

Barings Bank

 A loss of $1.25 billion due to the unauthorized trading of a trader Nick Leeson forced Barings into bankruptcy.

 Leeson disguised his speculative position and manufactured substantial reported profits for his own accounts.

 The loss was not detected as Leeson was allowed to function as head of trading and the back office => depriving the firm of an independent check on his activities.


The absolute necessity of an independent trading back office.

“Trading back office” 指的是负责处理交易后勤事务和管理的部门或团队。它通常包括交易确认、结算、资金清算和报告等后台运作的功能。交易后台的职责是确保交易的顺利执行和记录,并与其他部门(如风险管理、财务和监管部门)进行协调和沟通。

 Outsized profits need to be independently investigated and rigorously monitored.

Leeson’s trading involved two strategies

  • First, selling straddles on the Nikkei 225 【日经225指数】and arbitraging price differences on Nikkei 225 futures contracts that were trading on different exchanges.


  • Second, in order to recover the losses, Leeson abandoned the hedged posture in the long-short futures arbitrage strategy and initiated a speculative long-long futures positions on both exchanges in hope of profiting from an increase in the Nikkei225 which finally led to much more loss

Financial Engineering and Complex Derivatives

Bankers Trust【信孚银行】

BT offered P&G【宝洁】 and Gibson a probable but small reduction in funding expenses in exchange for a potentially large loss under some less probable circumstances.

Both P&G and Gibson claimed that they had suffered large losses in derivatives trades they had entered into with BT due to being misled by BT as to the nature of the positions.

宝洁和吉布森都声称,由于被 BT 误导有关交易头寸的性质,它们在与 BT 进行的衍生品交易中遭受了巨大损失。

BT was forced into an acquisition by Deutsche Bank【德意志银行】.

Lessons of Banker Trust

Banks should match the degree of complexity of trades to the degree of financial sophistication of customers.

Be cautious about how to use any form of communication.

Orange County

Orange County treasurer Robert Citron borrow USD 12.9 billion through the repo market and used the borrowed funds to purchase complex inverse floating-rate notes【反向浮动利率债券,可以追加杠杆】.

Repurchase Agreement市场(Repo市场)是一种金融市场,参与者可以通过回购协议进行短期借贷交易。在这种交易中,借方出借资金给贷方,并同时约定以特定利率和在特定日期回购(回售)同样的资产。回购利率和回购资产的价值差异形成了回购交易的收益。Repo市场是金融机构之间进行流动性管理和融资的重要工具,也是货币政策的重要传导渠道之一。

Before 1994 in the favorable upward-sloping environment, Citron was able to increase the return of the fund by 2% with yield curve play. But after a 250-basis point interest rate increase, he lost USD 1.5 million by December 1994.

Orange County bankrupted as some of the fund’s lenders stopped rolling over their repo agreements.

Lessons of Orange County

 Leverage need to be used carefully and properly.

 Firms need to understand the risks that are inherent in their business models.

Sachsen Landesbank

 Sachsen opened a unit in Dublin to set up vehicles for holding large volumes of highly rated U.S. MBS.

 While the vehicles were off the parent bank’s balance sheet, they benefited from Sachsen’s guarantee.

 The operation was too large compared to the size of Sachsen’s balance sheet. When the subprime crisis struck in 2007, Sachsen’s capital was wiped out and it was sold to another German state bank.

Lessons of Sachsen Landesbank

 Funding liquidity commitment should be considered as a credit or liquidity risk rather than only an operation risk.

Reputational Risk

Volkswagen Emission Cheating Scandal

 Volkswagen programmed certain emissions controls. Its diesel engines would be activated only during regulatory testing, which made the nitrogen oxide levels appear to meet U.S. standards.

 From 2009 through 2015, Volkswagen put this programming in place in over ten million cars worldwide.

 In September 2015, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the scandal. The share price of the company fell by over a third and it faced potential billions of dollars of fines and penalties

Corporate Governance


 Enron, which had been named "America’s Most Innovative Company“, with 20,000 employees and revenues of nearly USD 101 billion in 2000,declared bankruptcy in December 2001.

 It turned out to be a poster child of corporate governance failure and poor risk management.

"poster child"这个短语通常用来指代某个人、物、事件或情况等,在某个方面具有非凡的代表性,是一个突出的典型。在所给的句子中,"poster child of corporate governance failure and poor risk management"表示这件事成为了企业治理失败和风险管理不善的典型案例,突出了这方面的问题。这个短语通常带有贬义或讽刺的意味,表示某个事物是个不良例子。

Reasons for Enron’s bankruptcy

 Senior management acted in their own self interest and against the interests of shareholders

 The board failed to fulfill its fiduciary duties to the shareholders.

 Enron also used fraudulent accounting practices to hide flaws in its actual financial performance.

Cyber Risk

The SWIFT Case

 SWIFT is the world‘s leading system for transferring funds electronically among banks.

 In April 2016, an article published in the New York Times revealed that hackers used the SWIFT network to steal USD 81 million from the account of Bangladesh Bank (the central bank of Bangladesh) at the New York Fed.

 The malware sent unauthorized SWIFT messages to move the funds to the hackers’ account and the database record was deleted.





